Pāmu Deer Milk – Frequently asked questions


Pāmu Deer Milk – Frequently asked questions

From time-to-time Pāmu receives questions about Pāmu Deer Milk product which is understandable given the recent popularity of the product. Because of this we have put together the following list of Q&A’s.

Question: Who is Pāmu?

Answer: Pāmu is the brand name for Landcorp Farming Limited. We specialise in growing the finest quality ingredients for the world. We are 100% owned by the New Zealand government.

Question: Which markets do you sell Pāmu Deer Milk into?

Answer: Pāmu Deer Milk is sold mainly via our ecommerce website (pamumilk.com) but we also process orders which come through from marketing@landcorp.co.nz . Customers who purchase Pāmu Deer Milk are in New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, South Korea and Hong Kong.

Question: You recently completed a clinical trial on Pāmu Deer Milk. What does this mean?

Answer: In order to prove the efficacy of Pāmu Deer Milk it was part of a human clinical trial. It is called a trial because you are wanting to prove an outcome. 120 participants of New Zealand origin were involved in the trial. Here is a link to the trial findings https://www.highvaluenutrition.co.nz/2023/03/05/deer-milk-improves-muscle-mass-physical-performance/

Question: Why did the trial focus on adults aged 65 and older?

Answer: With the global population ageing at a rapid pace, Pāmu want to provide a natural nutritional solution to seniors to support health outcomes, particularly when it comes to strength and mobility.

Question: Is Pāmu Deer Milk suitable for other ages?

Answer: Absolutely. Seniors (65+) is just one demographic that we believe Pāmu Deer Milk can support. In New Zealand, Australia, and Asia we also know that mothers are purchasing it for their growing kids (1 year old and above). Deer Milk is well suited to support the nutritional needs of children aged 1-3 whose diets are lacking in energy and nutrients. Pāmu Deer Milk is a whole milk powder, therefore not suitable for infants.

Question: How do you know it is suitable for children aged 1-3

Answer: Pāmu Deer Milk is like other animal milks (cow, sheep, goat), the main difference being the nutritional values. Pāmu have completed over 280 nutritional tests on our deer milk powder which then informs the Nutritional Information Panel (NIP) found on the back of pack. The NIP then informs recommended serving sizes for different ages (based on advice from registered dietician, and the Food Safety Australia New Zealand standards). Based on New Zealand standards, for children this is max 100ml per day, and 200ml per day for adults.

Question: Is your product safe?

Answer: New Zealand is well known for its safe and nutritious products. We follow strict practices and requirements set by officials to ensure our Pāmu Deer Milk is 100% safe for consumers. Since we started milking deer, over 2,700 quality tests have been completed on our raw milk to ensure it meets specification.

Question: Why isn’t Pāmu Deer Milk sold in supermarkets?

Answer: Pāmu Deer Milk is not a mainstream retail product so you shouldn’t expect to see it in supermarkets, it is far too premium.

Question: Is Pāmu Deer Milk a trial product for Asian markets?

Answer: No. Pāmu Deer Milk has been sold as a commercial product in New Zealand since 2018. Interests from Asian markets has only come in the last few years.

We recommend consulting with a medical professional to ensure that any changes to yours, or your child's diet are appropriate and to address any specific concerns you may have.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us a marketing@pamu.co.nz