Deer Milk Health Benefits

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Pāmu Deer Milk is a natural source of concentrated nutrition. Its composition provides a unique nutrient profile which could offer a range of health benefits including improved nutritional status and vitality. Pāmu Deer Milk can be suitable for those above 1 year of age.

Key compositional attributes of Pāmu Deer Milk are:

· Significantly higher levels of protein than all other ruminant milks, with ß-casein similar to the A2 type of cow’s milk.

· A much lower lactose content relative to protein and fat compared with other commercial milks.

· Low levels of the alpha-S1-casein protein compared with other ruminant milks. This protein has been associated with allergic reactions to ruminant milk.

· An excellent source of essential amino acids, with lysine, methionine and tryptophan being significantly higher than in other ruminant milks.

· More than double the amount of calcium compared with cow’s milk, supporting bone health. Higher levels of ionic calcium which is more readily absorbed.  

· Higher levels of phosphorus and magnesium compared with cow’s milk, supporting bone health and mobility. 

· Higher levels of zinc compared with other ruminant milks. Zinc plays a role in healing damaged tissue, supporting a healthy immune system, and cell growth, being important in periods of rapid growth such as childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. Zinc is also involved with the senses of taste and smell.

 · Higher levels of the water-soluble vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which is important for maintaining healthy metabolism and red blood cell production.

Its concentrated nutritional content leads to Pāmu Deer Milk having a distinct creamy texture as a drinking milk. It was voted best dairy ingredient at the World Dairy Innovation awards in 2022. Preliminary taste testing suggests that Pāmu Deer Milk is preferred to other non-bovine ruminant milks.

In vitro studies using digestive enzymes demonstrated that Pāmu Deer Milk proteins: 

· Are more rapidly digested than those from cow milk, indicating the amino acids may be more readily available for absorption, benefitting consumer groups with special nutritional needs, such as growing children and the elderly.

· Release more peptides with potential biological activities including immunomodulation, antimicrobial action, and probiotic action, consistent with the much higher level of protein in deer milk

Recent human clinical studies show that Pāmu Deer Milk helps improve nutritional status, body composition and physical performance in older women, evidenced by: 

· An increase in muscle strength in older adults (handgrip strength)  

· An increase in mobility and walking speed (sit and stand test, walk test)

It also has the potential to reduce bone turnover, and thereby maintain bone strength, in older women.  

· Evidenced by decreases in several key bone markers that indicate the level of bone reabsorption versus formation

It is recommended that you consult with a medical practitioner to ensure that any changes to your diet are appropriate and address any specific concerns you may have.